Winning Percentages are Irrelevant in Trading. Here is Why!

Paying too much attention to the winning percentages when trading and investing is not the way to go, regardless of what many people claim. In fact, your winning percentage, taken on its own, is completely useless. It does not define your success because you can still lose a lot of money with a 70 winning […]

When Does the Forex Market Open?

The Forex market hours represent the amount of time from when the Forex market opens until it closes during which traders and investors can make transactions in it. The Forex market is available for everyone 24 hours a day, five days a week, apart from weekends. It is also a decentralized system and four local […]

What is Publish0x?

As the digital world and blockchain technology keeps advancing and becoming more and more popular as the months go by, cryptocurrencies are also becoming a lot more relevant. A lot of people are only now entering this industry and discover how the world and the economy might look like in a few years. With this […]

What are the Best Forex Robots in 2021?

In case you are a Forex-focused trader and investor who is looking to become even more successful this year, then this article is for you. We have gathered a small list of some of the best Forex robots that could help you achieve your dream sooner than you expect. These robots can be set within […]

What is DeFi (Decentralized Finance)?

DeFi is the shortened name for decentralized finance, meaning a fairly new and different financial system that works on its own, independent from centralized intermediaries like banks, insurance funds, etc. Through DeFi, people can transfer cryptocurrency peer-to-peer via smart contracts, without the need for other regulatory bodies to intervene. DeFi also works on blockchain technology, […]

Bored of Bitcoin? Here Are Some Nice Alternatives

It’s no secret that the price of Bitcoin had a phenomenal increase this year and it now stands between $50.000 and $60.000. According to most experts and crypto enthusiasts, this is only the beginning for the most popular cryptocurrency in the world. However, people may ask, if things are going so well, why would I […]

Simple Steps to Learn Trading

Learning how to properly trade and invest in an ever-changing world is no simple feat. In fact, many people start doing it without having a mandatory basis that could help them avoid failures. When people fail to follow certain rules, disasters happen because the trading industry is an unforgiving one. Sadly, most people realize this […]

Demo Trading vs. Live Trading

When you first start trading, all experts recommend that you should go for a demo account. The reason for this lies in the fact that such an account does not really exist and does not use your real money. It simply simulates what you would see if you had a live trading account instead. It’s […]

The Secret to Successful Trading? Keep It Simple!

When it comes to trading, keeping it simple means not getting involved in complex strategies, not thinking too much about a certain aspect, and keeping all aspects of your work as simple as possible. The problem is that this is one of the most difficult things to do for a trader. Most people ignore it […]

Can You Make a Living by Trading?

Making a living only by trading is probably the supreme dream of every person who has only now started this activity and has big hopes. Unfortunately, without the intention to crush your dreams, we should say that trading is not some scheme through which you get rich quickly and without much effort. There are no […]